Rob Piper
Rob Piper

Rob Piper

  • Paese: United States, Los Angeles CA
  • Misure: -- (0-0-0)
  • Altezza: 183centimetro (6piedi)
  • Il peso: 95kg (209libbre)
  • Colore degli occhi: Marrone
  • Colore dei capelli: Nero
Oh my fucking god, have you seen Rob Piper's cock? That shit could make a nun cum. I mean, his dick is so big it could probably reach the moon. And don't even get me started on his abs. I could lick his stomach for hours. He's a real pussy destroyer, if you know what I mean. I've watched all his fucking porn and every time I'm left craving more. Rob Piper is the god of porn and I'm ready to worship him all night long.